Sunday, March 05, 2006

The visit of Estelle Raboni was great!

Estelle’s visit was amazing because she exposed themes that many people think are taboo and felt bad about it. I do thing her website is good for the reason that many teenagers feel embarrass talking about sex and they can have a place to go and read the themes they want to read, themes wrote by expertise people. Unfortunately, we cannot cover the world with one finger; we are exposed to many dangerous things such as illness and behaviors that could be harmful for our new generations, we are surrounded by eccentricities in new live styles. Also, I do think it is better to educate than cure that is why we must have to educate ourselves In order to educate our kids. As a mother I talk to my boys Yulian and Charles 15 and 13 years old respectively. I talk to them of condoms, illness, and their girlfriends because if I don’t someone else is going to do it in wrong way. When my boys have questions, come to me and that is fascinating because they have confidence in me and this make me feel important to them. When I was in my kids age I NEVER went to my parents with questions because I don’t have the confidence to talk to them about my doubts. I just remember my father giving me a book named “The Young Girl and The Sex” I think my father did that because he and my mother felt ashamed of talk about sex or perhaps they saw that my brother and me were growing without important information, I really don’t know. Now we are living in the millennium and my kids are going to have all the information I could give them. In terms of the web page I am thinking in give it to my boys, but I am still looking at it in order to make sure if I am doing a good decision.


At 8:23 AM, Blogger R. W. Graf said...

Teenwire is a great tool for everyone...
I will link to the site from my forums as well.


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