Thursday, August 09, 2007

Adolescence is the most traumatic stage for all human beings. The biological process of growth could be traumatic and could be a reason for the youths to be aggressive. The hormones play an important role in this process because alteration in them causes reactions that make the metabolism to mix the voluntary movements with those that are involuntary. For example, reactions like aggressiveness, extreme cases of depression, and low self esteem, especially in girls.
During adolescence the identity is undefined and hence the teens could become target of peer pressure; the society may appear confused or no understandable to them. Especially parents because they tend to give orders and dictate. Teens do not want to follow orders or rules. The peer pressure becomes a stage of self concept in the teen’s world. For the acceptance from peers, teens would do anything without analyzing the situation or be at risk of adopting wrong habits. Clothing becomes an important tool for teens because they get use to wear strange and extravagant outfits, no matter the appearance or if their parents agree with such style, because teens want to be independent and unique in all terms. Culture is important also because the fact of having back ground from another country causes a struggle; unfortunately this country is composed by many cultures, the same that has been creating a new life style. The mixture between the two origins could be a problem and at the same time a differentiation among parents and teenagers because most of the caretakers do not want or cannot adapt to this environment, differing that most parents want to include their traditions to the new place of living. For example, food, celebrations, religion, traditions en general.
The most terrible weapons for teenagers definitely are drugs and sex, because Young people are using drugs in combination with sexual relations. Unfortunately, sex is being used to satisfy physiological necessities, pleasure and terrible actions caused by drugs effects. Lamentably, at this time numerous types of drugs have being appearing, inhibitors affecting brains, making adolescents to lose the integrity and control. It’s incredible in this millennium full of information, technological advances and more sexual education at schools, more teenagers are having unprotected sex, sharing needles producing the spread of contagious illness and more unwanted pregnancies, basically children giving birth to babies.
In terms of teen’s issues, we can create easily an imaginary chain of facts. But the most important is to identify the necessities as well as helping them to overcome the body and mind changes. The body is like a castle with many rooms and the teenagers mind is lost into this castle. We as adults should help them to overcome this unchangeable process.


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